Question: How do you say girly in Spanish? 'Girly' in Spanish: In Spanish, there are two adjectives that translate as 'girly.' They share the same root, so they are easy to recognize. Both change their ending when referring to feminine nouns. Notice that one of these terms has a pejor...
How to say little girl in Spanish ''Little Girl'' Meaning:In English, the word ''girl'' refers to a female child; the plural is ''girls.'' In the phrase ''little girl,'' the word ''little'' is an adjective that modifies the noun ''girl.'' However, in Spanish, we only need...
The literal translation of the German expression Evasöhne into the English language would be the son of Eve, just as Adamstochter would be translated as Adam’s daughter. With this pejorative and antiquated idiom it was wanted to emphasize the feminity of the gay people relating them with th...
How do you say 'baby' in Spanish? Common Nouns in Spanish: There are several words for 'baby' in Spanish. The use of one or the other depends on the country. Also, a grammar rule must be taken into account in order to use these nouns in the masculine or the feminine. ...
Chauito, mi hija.(Bye, my daughter.) Slang and Colloquial Goodbyes in Spanish Nos vemos al ratón— See you later This is a playful way of saying “see you later,” which literally means “see you later to the mouse.” Me tengo que ir.¡Nos vemos al ratón!(I have to go. See...
Find out how to say Bitch in different languages. We have thousands of swear words from every language in the world!
Mom 妈妈 māma Dad 爸爸 bàba Wife 妻子 / 老婆 qīzi / lǎopó Husband 丈夫 / 老公 zhàngfū / lǎogōng Older brother 哥哥 gēge Older sister 姐姐 jiějie Younger brother 弟弟 dìdi Younger sister 妹妹 mèimei Son 儿子 érzi Daughter 女儿 nǚ’érChinese...
Ibne, in turn, comes from the Arabic word íbna (ابنة) which means girl, daughter, woman of. This femininity is transferred to the Turkish language since ibne means “feminine form of son”, which ends up coming as an insult to homosexual men, considered as stupid or as ...
Sign inhow cutehow cuteAdd to list qué lindo Dictionaryhow cute ( hau kyut) phrase 1. (general) a. qué lindo I love the drawing you made at school! How cute!¡Me encanta el dibujo que hiciste en la escuela! ¡Qué lindo! b. qué precioso This photo of your daughter is ...
And how are your wife and daughter? ¿Y cómo están su esposa e hija? Which brings us to the question - how are your negotiation skills? Lo cual nos lleva a la pregunta - ¿cómo son sus habilidades de negociación?More examplesMachine...