I puzzled over found poems in the mall signs: “Hot n Juicy Crawfish Massage Ramen” and “Kung Fu Team Smoke Shop.” Every night, I went to bed with a full notebook and no idea what any of it meant. I dashed down to the far end of the Strip, almost to the famous diamond-...
Maria Teresa Kumar, president and CEO ofVoto Latino, a get-out-the-vote nonprofit for the Latino community, was unsettled when her own mother told her she wouldn’t get the COVID-19 vaccine. It took Kumar two months to convince her mother, who works in the health...
Gumbo can be a veritable grab-bag of ingredients, including sausage — especially Andouille and chaurice, tasso (cured pork shoulder), crawfish, crab, shrimp, oysters, chicken, duck, rabbit, or other game. Mirlitons (also known as chayote squash) sometimes show up in gumbo, as do tomatoes...
Cay (pronounced “key”) is the Spanish word for small-island. Sandy beaches, fishing (some of the best in the world), boating, nearly perfect weather (even though the islands are in the often stormy Atlantic Ocean), and accessibility to the U.S. mainland put this archipelago on the ...
©2006 Richard Carroll Los Angeles is a great place for shopping, dining, catching obscure films, and listening to great music. See more pictures of beautiful city skylines. Some people say they don't like Los Angeles because of its traffic, smog, urban and suburban sprawl, and its numer...