Don'timmediatelystartrespondingwithafirstthingthatcomestomind.不要一想到就马上开始回应。Thinkaboutyouroverallanswer, anditshouldtakeonly2-3seconds.想想你的整体答案,应该只需要 2 到 3 秒。Andthemoreyoudoit, thebetteryougetatit.你思考得越多,就会说得越好。Butthinkaboutthebeginning - whatyouwanttosay...
So if you want to ensure that the probability that everybody gets it is high, you need to say it three times. So cycling is one of the things that I always think about when I give a talk. 现在我已经谈到了如何开始,接下来我想给你一些启发式的例子,这些例子总是在我演讲时想到的。首先...
I Have No Idea How to Fly This Plane!我不知道怎么开这架飞机!By Robert KienerA passenger gets an emergency flying lesson when his pilot passes out 10,000 feet above the ocean.一名乘客接受了紧急飞行课程,当时他的...
Let'ssayyoudon'thavethe 'th' soundinyournativetongue, soyouneedtogetusedtostickingyourtongueoutwhenyoupronouncethe 'th'.比方说,你的母语中没有“th”这个音,所以你需要习惯在发“th”这个音的时候伸出舌头。However, Iseealotofmystudents, becausethey'renotusedtothe 'th', they'recompensatingforthis...
When it comes to Confucius(孔子), how would you describe him? This seems a simple question, but one of his students found it difficult. Chongyu(子路), one of Confucius's students, couldn't say a word. Confucius then answered the question himself.Confucius said, "Why don't you tell ...
She goes on to say thatpop musicespecially can be associated with a particular moment in time. As Shahram Heshmat, writing in Psychology Today highlights, we often become familiar with apiece of musicbecause we hear it asbackground music. Familiarity is important. Jakubowski, tells us that the...
Like “Thank you,” this letter closing clearly expresses gratitude to the recipient. It’s polite, appropriately formal, and can help you avoid overusing “Thanks” if you’ve already thanked the recipient. Some other ways to say “Appreciatively” include: With appreciation, I appreciate your...
Opinions vary greatly when it comes to what in the university impresses you the most. But in my opinion, attending university leaves a lasting impression on students’ growth, and there are several aspects of university that impress me the most. ...
To say my last relationship ended badly is an understatement. Being the last to know you’re cheated on is never easy, and it left me feelingempty,betrayed, andterrifiedof ever trusting someone again. I was so consumed with thoughts of what went wrong, what I could have done differently,...
30、You really need to hate Julie’s guts. (hate somebody's guts 恨透……) 31、What do you say I buy you a cup of coffee/we go take a walk? 我请你喝杯咖啡怎么样?(what do you say加从句,可用与征求别人意见) 32、Hold it!