Find out how to say Bitch in different languages. We have thousands of swear words from every language in the world!
Goodbye: Goodbye / Bye (informal) Please: Please Thank you: Thank you / thanks (informal) Greetings in ASL Sign Language Greeting (Hello): With a flat hand, move your hand away from your forehead in a small arc Goodbye: With a flat hand, wave your hand side to side Please: With a ...
Sir or Mam is VERY formal — if you work in fine dining this is okay! You can just say “you”. “Would you like something?” and just look at them! If you want to say sir/mam, it is okay! Ronnie Dear Ronnie, this is a first time i saw your teaching really super thanks a...
It doesn't matter too much if you do make a mistake, and most people will be sympathetic about it, but it is common courtesy to try. In Europe, waving the hand back and forth can mean “No.” To wave “good-bye,” raise the palm outward and wag the fingers in unison, This is ...
Many teachers contact me and say: "I never get a reply from students." The time, effort, and care you put in your job application (first message to student) matters a lot. Most people send a hurried one line message. They are obviously at a disadvantage as there are a lot of people...
If you had the world’s best leader in your upline, what kind of things would they do? Do those things. Lots of love, Matt Morris Top Network Marketing Leader & Trainer PS – If you’d like to read a copy of my latest book and learn my “laws of leadership”, hop over to www...
Just because you are eligible for the scholarship, that doesn’t mean it is worth spending your time to apply for it! Many scholarships and contests are open to broad parts of the student population. Some might have requirements like a 2.0 GPA and legal residency in the USA. If everyone ...
Andrew: I went to the courses in preparation for this interview, and I saw that you teach math, basic math. You say that you started out teaching 1 + 1 = 2. I got so into a history course that I almost stopped working. I said, “Andrew, you can’t do this.” So, you know ...
The most basic way to say “I love you” in Russian is “Ya tebya lyublyu.” If someone says, “Ya tebya lyublyu,” to you, and you want to return the sentiment, say, “Ya tozhe tebya lyublyu,” which means, “I love you, too.” ...