比如,在口语中你讲了一些有关吸烟有害的长篇大论,最后总结一下就是 smoking is bad for health,就可以说:“suffice it to say, smoking really kills”。 另外,"simply put", "in short", "in brief", "in simple terms" 也可以表示“简言之”。 方法论:现在语言培训(语培)存在将听力(input)和口语(...
拍电视广告要考虑的更多,往往与导演倾谈后会出现了另一个剧本,你必须清晰自己到底想说些甚么,否则,很容易被令人眼花瞭乱的How to say所影响,What to say反而不清不楚。 作为一个创作人What to say 与How to say应该是同等重要的,所以,每当我们接获一份新Brief,我们都会用一半的时间去想想What to say,然后...
“Some years back, I declined an offer because of relocation, but a year later, they were looking to hire that same role again as the person they hired
a brief introduction of the candidate a career goal and relevant achievements Plus, the tone is professional and perfect for a job application. The second personal profile example is different—while it expresses the candidate’s enthusiasm, it doesn’t mention relevant experience, uses weak language...
An online portfolio is the modern-day version of a business card, resume and project showcase all in one. Here’s how to make a portfolio in 10 steps.
During a business conference call for a brief. Mister zhang room meets miss David Bowie. Who he meets several years ago. And say introduce miss wang li feng to mister David brown. Sales manager international business conference. We are so glad you come. We are so glad you could come. ...
So, I try not to watch too much news, because it can be all consuming and very monopola... mono... see, I've got confused now. Monopolise your mind, in a way. It can take over, so I try not to watch too much.我尽量不看太多新闻,因为那些新闻可能很枯燥,而且非常垄断……单一…...
ajust a short letter to say how glad we were thar you enjoyed your brief visit 说多么的一个短字母高兴我们thar您享受您简要的参观[translate]
Unless you’re sending a brief, informal email, skipping the sign-off can seem impolite or careless. How to end a letter FAQs Can I end a paper letter and an email in the same way? It’s generally appropriate to end a paper letter and an email in the same way, although it may ...
Syntax and word-choice matter, too. Short and active sentences, with common words that everyone uses, are best. From Facebook posts to online-travel reviews, even brief, informal pieces of writing that follow these rules get more likes, shares and so on.Serious writers should also take note...