also virtually created the potent blaxpoitation genre and guerrilla moviemaking; I thought I had seen it back in '71, but as soon as this film started I realized my memory was, embarrassingly, confusing it with Robert Downey Sr.'s "Putney Swope," so now I do need to see the original...
in proto-industrial manufacturing, in household service, etc., became integral to the economy. The wealth of the elite class in Italy was very largely produced on the back of slave labor. The city of Rome would be unimaginable without the work of slaves," ...
Well, we’re nearing the end of our reading for the year. I pray that you are preparing to begin again in the coming year or perhaps you plan to make reading through the Bible your goal for the first time. Even if you have tried before and quit somewhere along the line, I want to...
to be the final word:[not: be + ~-ing* no object]Whatever I say goes! to put oneself through:[no object]Don't go to any trouble. The root form of go followed directly by the root form of another verb in informal contexts is used to mean "proceed to,'' with the meaning of gre...
it interrogatortransp it is a greek gift it is a pleasure to c it is a poor mouse th it is absolutely impe it is after looking i it is all very well t it is an excellent no it is assumed that it is believe that it is better to be al it is better to be sa it is characteri...
It originated from the Nepali word "ponya," which referred to a type of bear. This word eventually evolved into "panda" in the Chinese language, and later adopted by the English language. The panda's scientific name, Ailuropoda melanoleuca, reflects its unique characteristics...
Before you say you can’t afford it, think about this: Which would cost less? Paying someone $50 a week to clean your house or paying for all the things that cost you money because you are not organized? Consider whether it would be worth one spouse working part time instead of full ...
Greek— Γειασου (pronounced YAH-soo; singular to greet a friend, informal), Γειασας (plural to be polite, formal) (meaning "health to you"), καλημέρα (pronounced kalee-ME-ra; good morning; formal), καλό απόγευμα (pronounced ka-LOH a-...
For example, "the big brown bear bit into a blueberry" is an example of alliteration because several words close together begin with the letter b. If the letters or sounds that are repeated are vowels instead of consonants -- as in "I might like to fight nine pirates at a time" -- ...
These beams bear the weight of the house during the move, so it's important that they're sized and placed correctly. Wooden cribs, made out of interlocking wooden posts, also help support the home inside and out. Then home movers place hydraulic jacks under the steel beams; the jacks ...