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Let's test if you know how people greet each other and say hello in different parts of the country. Ready, set, go!
We have seen many translation applications to translate only international languages but this is the one that also provides support to Indian languages. Microsoft supports two Indian languages which include Hindi and Urdu whereas this one allows access to 12 different languages such as Urdu, Hindi, ...
in what her kids must be doing whats hapening with them in the baby sitting etc etc and time adjuzments to pick dem drop dem , in the end wht does the woman den do - ofcourse out of saturation she collapses and cries and gets miserable beter not to marry dan to bcome lonely, not...
That’s why it’s called falling in love,because you don’t force yourself tofall, you just fall. Posted In : Love SMS. I call you honey Because you’re so sweet I call you angel Because you’re so beautiful I call you baby ...
Would anybody volunteer to say a sentence, non obscene, non derogatory, that has never been spoken before on earth, ever? Here. I'll start. "It's surprisingly easy to get a purple tie on eBay if you don't care much about quality." I could imagine no one else in the world has sa...
“My baby boo, you either heal n—s or you kill n—s/ Both is true, it take some tough skin just to deal with you” Lamar raps on "gloria" featuringSZA, a track that opines on his relationship with the genre. The Compton-born rapper (who was born Kendrick Lamar Duckworth...
Of course, in order for apps and websites to legally gain access to this data, they first need to obtain permission from the user. If companies asked for such permission openly and explicitly, users would be more likely to deny these requests. As a result, many companies make use of co...
Before I was Pakistani, I was part of the Census Bureau's complex multiracial nightmare (that's according to a headline in the San Francisco Examiner published at the time of the 2000 census). I was the taboo post-war baby of Yoshiko Tajiri and Chester Fuller Roberts Jr. My parents met...