We invite all readers to read other people's questions and offer any sincere advice they may have. When doing so, please keep the following guidelines in mind: Please Do: Show compassion and kindness in your answer. Be gentle. Try to answer as a Mus
In a formal situation with one person speaking to a group of people, they’ll often say this standard greeting: Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. “May peace be upon us all.” You can also say: Assalamualaikum. “Peace upon us.” This one does have a set response: Waalaikum sa...
“The Messenger of Allah (PBUH),‘The supplication of every one of His slaves will be granted as long as he does not get impatient and say, “I supplicated to my Rubb again and
“Salam Alaikum” is a common greeting typically used by Muslims and many others in the Arabic-speaking world. But what does it mean? What should you say in response? And would it be considered offensive to do so? Keep reading for a comprehensive guide on this popular and peaceful ...