Let'ssayyoudon'thavethe 'th' soundinyournativetongue, soyouneedtogetusedtostickingyourtongueoutwhenyoupronouncethe 'th'.比方说,你的母语中没有“th”这个音,所以你需要习惯在发“th”这个音的时候伸出舌头。However, Iseealotofmystudents, becausethey'renotusedtothe 'th', they'recompensatingforthis...
It seemed like an eternity to me to wait and not say anything for seven seconds, but that's the standard amount of time you can wait for an answer. And of course, the question has to be carefully chosen. It can't be too obvious, because then people will be embarrassed to say it,...
stay in the moment. Life is in this moment. Stay happy and keep doing your work. You don't have to pay attention to what people say, whether they are speaking good or bad about you.我们对他形成看法,并因做出无意义的判断而感到不安。不...
Words in This Story update– n.when new information or features are added to an existing thing battery– n.a device that chemically stores electricity so it can be used as direct current in electrical circuits such as ...
Before we get started, I want to say a huge welcome to my newest subscribers I'm looking forward to taking you on an English language journey.If you haven't subscribed to my channel yet, then you can do it just by hitting that red subscribe button right there.在我们开始之前,我想先热烈...
Let's first look at some words you'll need to know when ordering your morning cup.At a coffee shop, drinks are usually made from espresso.让我们先来看一下你在点晨间咖啡时需要知道的词汇。在咖啡厅,饮品通常是由浓缩咖啡制作的。An espresso is a small amount of very strong coffee. This ...
And one of the ways we can come across as an expert is by tapping into our passion. I want everyone in the next few days to go up to friend of theirs and just say to them, "I want you to describe a passion of yours to me." I've had people do this all over the world and ...
activities you'll do to achieve them. What are you going to do to get you those meetings and calls? Is it presentations, networking, online marketing? Whatever it is (and I'll have more to say on how to choose later in this guide), make a commitment to how often and when you'll ...
you’ll want to touch on all the main points covered by your competitors. this doesn’t mean you can’t be creative. it’s just to say that in addition to sharing your own original insights, you should cover all the bases. to continue with our example, let’s assume that when you ...
Someone who's very busy won't spend a lot of time trying to work out what you're trying to say!How can you do this?要是很忙的话,那人不会花多少时间去弄清你想表达什么的。你怎么写这段呢?Start with a simple phrase, like: I'm writing regarding. . . I wanted to follow up on. ...