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Possessive apostrophes are apostrophes (’) used with the lettersat the end of a noun to show ownership over or a close connection with another noun. For example, if you were talking about the tail of your cat, you could saycat’s tail. How do you use possessive apostrophes? For singular...
Do you have trouble understanding what native speakers say? What to improve your English listening and comprehension skills? Ill give you some great tips that will help you to listen and understand!
Hi, I would like to save all responses to a form I have created as individual files but also include the questions. I have had a play with flow but...
We did, somewhat cheekily, decide to call our studio “Arrowhead Game Studios” plural, just in case we would grow to encompass more than one studio someday. Now, the name stands as a reminder of our student beginnings, when we were...
I was startled / it really gave me a fright (吓到我了/吓我一跳) Don't hesitate to reach out whenever you feel like chatting again!Farewell for now, my friend! (farewell for now is a polite and friendly way to say goodbye, indicating thatyou are parting waystemporarily but looking fo...
the ending of the word in Italian depends on the noun it’s describing. When referring to a single beautiful male cat, you say "bello gatto," whereas when referring to a single female cat, you say "bella gatta." However, if you’re referring to two cats, you say "...
The first rule of gender agreement we just described has a set ofexceptions, known asinvariable adjectives. As their name suggests, these adjectivesdon’t change form between masculine and feminine. Nonetheless, they still need to take the-s in their plural form. Thus, invariable adjectives in ...
Well I know there are many but surely not 7,000 so I'm going to say b) 700 – but don't expect me to learn all of them. Neil I won't Rob. But I will give you the answer later. So, we all know learning ...
Hi, i am wanting to create a pop up message every time my work book is opened, to tell every one to read the "instructions" sheet before editing. is...