> in QgsProcessingParameterMultipleLayers with the selected layers or selected > groups of layers in the "Layer Panel"? This would be incredibly useful. You'd (unfortunately -- it's not a trivial change) need to do this via a custom Processing widget wrapper, so that your parameter gets i...
saving the qml-file) Therefore, I would like to add the mask with pyQGIS, but how do I get the name (id) of the "Masked symbol layers" and the "Mask sources"? Must Masks be set in Layer properties to appear? Ref.https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/447362/pyqgis-to-set-masked...
True) feat.setGeometry(QgsGeometry.fromWkt(feature2_Lane_Polygon.wkt)) feat['flash_feat_id'] = int(center_line_id2) feat['lane_type'] = str(lanetype2) feat['center_line_Id'] = str(feature2_centerline) feature2_layers_list.append(feat) prov2.addFeatures(feature2_la...
1 How to combine two QML files? 2 Combining two raster layers into one vector points layer with two attributes 1 Seamlessly combine map layers (fill the gaps of one layer using the second one) 1 QGIS 3.6.2 with GRASS - raster calculator - Raster1 + Raster2 returns missing pix...
5 How to show only postgres vector layers in a QgsMapLayerComboBox? 2 How do I find the overlapping area between polygons on 2+ vector layers in QGIS when the polygons on all layers are categorized? 6 Adding textbox to QGIS plugin toolbar? 4 Tool for making sure ...
going to the cloud! Related 1 Error adding a delimited text layer 1 How to get QGIS layers style in a single file 12 How to copy paste layers from one QGIS project to another? 3 Save style/renderer in the QGIS project file 2 Run processing algorithm from CSV 3 ...
I'd like to open a USGS KML file of bedrock geology for an entire county, but there are over 2,000 individual polygon layers. Does anyone know if there is a way to merge all of these layers together into one file before opening in QGIS? qgis kml geology Share Improve this question Fo...
0 Can ArcGIS Desktop read label properties in geopackages created in QGIS? Related 6 Representing data on thematic map in only two colors in qgis 1 categorized style in 2.14 returns faulty values 8 Consistent color scheme across layers of different types 3 How to s...
You can save it to the shapefile in any CRS you want. Please do not use Set Layer CRS in this step. For the Openstreetmap background, you can use the Openlayers plugin or the new QuickMap Services plugin. Openlayers requires the project CRS set to EPSG:3857, and...
Since QGIS 2.12, with the introduction of data-defined properties on the "lock layers for map" option, in the map item properties, you can do what you seek. You just need to create the right coverage layer, with the information of the extents, but also of the layers to "print...