Today, we will explore how to preserve the fruits and vegetables. By following a few easy steps, we can still eat them when they are out of season. Freezing Freezing is the simplest way to save fruits and vegetables. But it is important to freeze them after they have cooled down. To ...
Moisture also determines whether frost will nip your plants. Condensation warms and evaporation cools. When moisture in the air condenses on plants and soil, heat is produced, sometimes raising the temperature enough to save the plants. On the other hand, if the air is dry, moisture in the ...
Any plants or trees you buy at your local garden center or nursery will have a tag on them listing their hardiness zone. Ways to Protect Trees From Freezing Temperatures Photo Credit: Libreshot Cover Trees Cover your tree whenever the temperature is expected to drop below 32 degrees Fahrenheit...
Cannabis plants grow very fast in a short amount of time, and need a lot of energy from the light to grow and produce buds. In the wild, a cannabis plant can grow to the size of tree in less than a year, and it uses energy from light to power that growth. Many new growers who...
Category: How Plants Work“Save the planet, (learn how to) plant a tree” I like catchy memes as much as the next person. They’re easily memorized and passed on. But “Save the planet, plant a tree” has always bugged me for two reasons. First, and probably most importantly, this ...
How to Grow Carrots by Stephen Albert Sharing is caring! Facebook Twitter Save Carrots are among the easiest garden vegetables to grow—and the most bountiful–given the right conditions. Carrot culture is very simple. Sow the seeds rather thickly and thin the plants to 3 to 4 inches ...
Many gardeners are shy about harvesting from their herbs and don’t want to cut them back in case it damages the plants or reduces yield. I’m the opposite, constantly trimming herbs like basil to use fresh, or preserve by drying or freezing. Not only does it promote bushier growth it ...
Plant radishes near turnips to repel the flies. Place row covers over seedlings or set the plants through the garden fabric to keep flies from laying eggs in the soil. Mound diatomaceous earth or hot pepper around stems if maggots are in the soil. You can also mix wood ash into the ...
And just like humans, cannabis plants can die if exposed to freezing or too-hot temps. So if you know it’s going to be extremely hot or cold where you live, you may need to take extra steps to protect your plants from the elements, like setting up a small greenhouse....
Protect individual plants from light frosts; raise temperature slightly How to use cloches: Place over individual plants when frost is expected, remove when temps are above freezing. Usually placed in the evening and removed in the morning. ...