How to save on electric and heating bills this winter For starters, the Department of Energy recommends several money-saving tips on its website, such as opening the curtains during the day to let the sun in, insulating any drafty windows, adjusting the thermostat, finding and sealing air lea...
consider setting up a roof-top solar power unit. Once installed, the solar panels can last for 2 decades or even more. This can help you meet your electric energy needs, and help you save on electricity bills.
Instead of the above strategies, we wanted to focus on methods that might not be as obvious but that will save you a good chunk of change. We’ve split these up into three levels of difficulty: Easy, intermediate, and advanced. Obviously, the higher the difficulty, the more time and eff...
In this article, we explain how your energy bill is calculated, how to save money on your energy bills and the steps you can take if you are finding it hard to afford your energy bills. For more money-saving tips and cost of living help, read our article 'How to save money on house...
For utilities, you want to be comfortable but also be aware of how your electric, gas, heating, and cooling bills add up. When not in use, turn off the lights or turn down the heating or cooling if it’s not necessary. You can also try to negotiate your bills, ranging from your ...
An energy audit and recommended improvements have other benefits: You can maximize the life of your current heating-and-cooling system, and when those components ultimately fail, you’ll be ready to replace them with higher-efficiency electric ones, such as a super-efficient heat pump. You’ll...
Discover quick and mostly free ideas to help you save money on heating and energy throughout your home. Save on gas and electricity to reduce your bill.
Just make sure your fan is rotating counterclockwise in the summer to get the most benefit. Here Are 23 Ways to Save On Your Electric Bills Right Now +21 More See all photos 6. Increase the temperature To save the most money, always set your thermostat to the highes...
Check out our top 16 energy conservation techniques - the best ways to save energy and reduce your carbon footprint.
Help your pocketbook and the environment by using electric heat wisely. During the winter, you can attribute as much as 30 percent of your energy bills comes from the efforts you take to heat your home. By changing the way you heat your home and conserve it, you can save up to 10 perc...