Learning how to save money and manage the money you do have can put you in the best position for whatever comes your way. If you’re among those who may be behind on building your nest egg, here’s how to get started. 1. Understand your income and expenses Your ability to save...
If you haven't booked your airfare yet, CNBC Select has you covered with tricks to save money on your upcoming trips, plus a few tips on how to make your journey a bit smoother. What we'll cover Get TSA PreCheck® and/or Global Entry® membership fees refunded Use credit card ...
compare prices to ensure you’re getting a reasonable discount. 20. get creative with gifts you can save money with affordable gift ideas, like herb gardens and books, or go the do-it-yourself route. baking cookies, creating art or preparing someone dinner can demonstrate that you care just...
For nearly a decade, Uber didn't enable users to tip, "and consumers have gotten used to not tipping for that type of service," Ryan Green, CEO of Gridwise, told CBS MoneyWatch. "We saw some of the high fares, when it's more than $1,000 but zero tip, and that's for six hou...
New Jersey, New York and Massachusetts are working with the companies on deals similar to the one reached in Washington, Nowak said. Uber and Lyft have coped with new requirements in Washington with little impact and would be able to weather any hit to profits as the model spreads, he wrote...
These startups are finally starting to look like true ride-sharing servicesSteinmetzKatyTime.com
ways to save money on gas look at alternatives first is it reasonable to use mass transit at your destination? is there a local host who can transport you from the airport to the places you need to go? could you use a taxi, lyft or uber? are there other people you know traveling to...
In this article, we tell youwhyyou need to start saving,howmuch you should save, andwhatthings you might want to save for. Then we give you some money-saving tips to help you save as much as possible. We also link you to other SuperMoney articles with even more ways to save money....
You can also pay your Starbucks barista by leaving a tip with the app. How much to tip delivery drivers Delivery fees can be quite high, but that money usually doesn’t go to the driver. Delivery giant Grubhub advises tipping $5 or 20 percent of your meal price — whichever is greater...
Uber has buried the feature deep within the app, but you can easily look it up and see how drivers have rated you. Lyft makes it a little more difficult, but it's still possible to find out. Your Uber Passenger Rating To look up your Uber passenger rating, launch the app, and pull...