The best way to deal with high gas prices is to keep a steady pace while driving. For instance, driving at a speed of 55 mph in the highest gear is an ideal pace which may help you save money on gas. According to Ron Montaya, Senior consumer advice editor at Edmunds, the car owner...
American drivers spend staggering amounts of money on gas for their cars. You can’t control the price of gasoline, but you can follow these simple tips to reduce your overall fuel consumption.
A sure way to save gas is to pack as many destinations as possible into your daily trips. For example, you may have to drive downtown on various occasions for several different tasks. Instead, why not combine all of these rides into one whenever possible. With proper planning, you will n...
Of the 3, proper tire pressure is the easiest to monitor. And it’s likely to make the biggest difference as you consider how to save money on gas for your car. Under-inflated tires can lower your fuel efficiency about 0.2% for every 1 pound per square inch (psi) drop. That works o...
gasolines are like regular gas, but with extra detergent additives designed to help keep an engine in top working order. They can save you money over the car’s life, but more on that later. Regular vs. Premium Some engines require more expensive premium fuel. If that’s...
Gasoline. No matter how cheap or expensive it gets, I never want to spend money on it. As I write this gas prices are the highest they have been in my lifetime. That is why I am always looking for ways save money on gasoline or, better yet, get free gas. ...
We offer some of our best tips to help you save money on gas – from using cash or points, to ways you can decrease the frequency of your visits to the pump.
Federal Trade Commission for saving money on gasoline. Rise of gasoline prices in the United States; Suggestion that travelers find alternative modes of transportation other than automobiles; Report that gasoline mileage de...
Unfortunately, gas prices may not be going down anytime soon. But, using these tips can possibly save you a few cents or more next time you fill-up. For more tips on how to save money at the pump, visit AAA byclicking here.
Learning how to save money and manage the money you do have can put you in the best position for whatever comes your way. If you’re among those who may be behind on building your nest egg, here’s how to get started. 1. Understand your income and expenses Your ability to save...