Best Tips to Save Money From Your Salary Saving money from your salary is a must today to have a better life ahead. But saving money can be difficult when we do not have the proper planning. Here are some ideas on how you can save money from your salary which will help you in the ...
How to transfer your EPF money onlineDeepti Bhaskaran
Note: In certain situations, employees are asked to attach relevant proof of documents along with the application and get the approval from the employer before making a withdrawal. You will receive the money only after approval. This whole process take 15-20 business days and the amount will be...
Employee Provident Fund (or EPF) is one of the safest debt-based savings instruments available in India as it is backed by the sovereign guarantee of the government of India and managed by the EPFO. It allows employees to save a proportion of their salary every month. And it is one of t...
On 1 Jun 2021, EPFO announced that employees contributing to EPF can now avail of asecond non-refundable advancefrom their EPF accounts to meet financial emergencies due to coronavirus. Earlier in 2020, EPF had announced that an EPF member could withdrawup to 75% of EPF moneyor three months...
The EPFO has especially outlined the procedural complications involved in UAN generation/linking, KYC seeding, blocking, unblocking, and paying claims for transaction-less accounts and inoperative Accounts. Let us take a look at what the EPFO SOP had to
salary for savings. The employer also creates a Universal Account Number (UAN) for your EPF account. The UAN helps you keep an eye on the amount of money deposited in the account and occasionally withdraw or transfer funds without employer intervention. But do you know how to get UAN number...
Saving is an essential one. It is wise to save some money for future rather than spending it lavishly. One can save money in many ways and the organization one works itself offers a financial security for the welfare of the employees in the form of Provident Fund. ...
You can also file an RTI in case of no satisfactory answer from EPFO in time. This will make you get the status of your EPF within 30 days from the date you file RTI. How to file EPF complaint online at EPF Grievance Website?
Apayrollmanagement system is a special kind of software that automates the process of disbursing employee salaries. A good payroll management system will help businesses save valuable time, resources and money by using automation and technology to simplify tasks. ...