Let’s run a scenario where we’ll download the RedSwitches website’s homepage (https://www.redswitches.com) and a blog titled How to Quit Vim Editor and Save Your Work (https://www.redswitches.com/blog/how-to-vim-save-quit-exit/). The contents of these pages will be saved in ...
“How do I quit Vim!? Please help!Now compare how the question should be asked:I need to close the Vim editor. I’ve tried to close it by using Esc and Alt+F4 and it didn’t work. I can turn off my workstation but I have some changes in a document and I’d like to save ...
Save changes. Quit VIM. Restart Confluence. Footer should no longer display the application version on it. Changing the Help Link Stop Confluence. Browse to the following path: Confluence-Installation-Directory/confluence/WEB-INF/lib VIM to the following JAR: vim confluence-6.13.4.jar Look for/p...
To edit the config file in Linux, you can use a standard text editor like nano. This is installed by default on most Linux distributions. To save the changes you make to the file, press Ctrl+X or Ctrl+C, and then quit the editor. You will need to enter your sudo password to execut...
Before running vim, make sure to set a timeout:$ timeout 600 vimNever forget to set a timeout again:$ alias vim='timeout 600 vim'Make sure to save regularly.The Russian Roulette timeout wayWhen you want to spice things up a bit:...
Open your vim editor and press the I key once. Then type this command:Minute Hour DayofMonth Month DayofWeek root find / -name “.DS_Store” -depth -exec rm {} \; E.g. To automatically delete DS_Store files at 9:45 a.m every day, use: 45 9 * * * root find / -name ".DS...
Never forget to set a timeout again:$ alias vim='timeout 600 vim'Make sure to save regularly.The Russian Roulette timeout wayWhen you want to spice things up a bit:$ timeout $RANDOM vimThe "all against the odds" Russian Roulette way...
This chapter is a guide to the Unix commands and utilities that will be referenced throughout this book. This is preliminary material, and you may already know ...
第2 章 Basic Commands and Directory Hierarchy(基本命令和目录层次结构) This chapter is a guide to the Unix commands and utilities that will be referenced throughout this book. This is preliminary material, and you may already know a substantial amount of it. Even if you think you’re up to...
I’d like to walk through my personal .vimrc file section by section and break down what and why I have the configuration settings I do. Given that my .vimrc has over 15 years’ worth of built-up cruft, this will also be a good exercise for me to clean i