Hi, I am new to CURA 5.6, also this is my first post so apologies if it is in the wrong place. When my print is finished I want to raise the extruder to maximum height and move the bed to the front. How do i do this? Do I have to create a python script?
Fastening of the carriage plates to the profile is also an important step. The procedure for tightening the screws in this particular case is cumbersome: you need to disconnect the X-axis profile from the Z-axis rails. A video tutorial for this procedure on theEnder-3is available on Creality...
The next part allows you to configure a custom profile for Cura, skip this step. Then, we will be able to configure a custom profile for our printer. This allows us in particular to define the name of the printer, but especially the usable print volume. Enter the name of the printer i...
If I had to guess how much I split my time between using ChromeOS and Linux on my Chromebook, I’d estimate it to be about even. Half of my day is spent in the browser using web apps. The other half is in Linux using full desktop software. While many Chromebook users stay in the ...
Only two parts in this design require supports, the back plate and the antenna. Supports are enabled in Cura by default but if you ever want to change the angle at which supports are used simply click on your profile settings in the top right and go to custom>Support. For reference mine...
Ease of use and print quality were also top of mind for van Delft and his team. The UltiMaker S5 ProBundle delivered on both fronts. Elektrolas has achieved consistency from print to print thanks to the ability to save setup and print settings in Cura. As van Delft explains, he and his...
a method to mold Cobalt Strike command and control traffic to their will. For instance, if you determine your target organization allows employees to use Pandora, you could create aprofileto make Cobalt Strike’s C2 traffic look like Pandora on the wire. Alternatively, if a client wants to ...
This is where fintechs may have the tools to address some of the bottlenecks in accessing financial support. Like many of the large transaction banks, fintechs use APIs to collate relevant information from financial institutions viaopen banking, so that they can create an accurate profile of po...
There are some tests that I did initially with my UM2 to learn about several important factors of printing to learn how to get things more dimensionally correct. One was by creating a 1cmx1cmx1cm cube then placing an array of 16 or 25 equally spaced cubes in cura on the print bed. Thi...
SP Save Percentage (hockey) SP Skinny Puppy (band) SP Service Platform SP Self Publishing SP Sump Pump SP Smokeless Powder SP Social Phobia SP Shaded Pole (electric motors) SP Statistical Power SP State Patrol SP Sexual Preference SP Streptavidin Peroxidase SP Secure Password SP Support Plan SP...