The one that finally proved persuasive was a razor blade carefully but firmly shoved into the seam on the outside of the physical-key slot, then dragged down the side. As I rounded a corner of the fob, I heard a slight popping noise as the glue inside gave way–reminding me of my ...
There's no denying that facial hair can be a pain to deal with. But, with the right tools, it doesn't have to be! In this post, we'll show you how to use a face razor to get a clean, close shave - without any nicks or cuts. We'll also share some of our t
Completely wash, dry, sanitize and air dry your commercial can opener after every repair job. Follow your state health department directions for safe commercial dish cleaning. Tip Wrap old razor blades in layers of cardboard wrapped in a rubber band to prevent them from cutting through trash bag...
When you adjust the thickness control knob, sometimes referred to as the index knob, this is what moves. Sharpener: All slicers have a built-in blade sharpener to keep the blade razor-sharp and in perfect operating condition. On many, it's removable for cleaning. Blade and Blade Guard: ...
How to Make Mead (Honey Wine): Mead is super easy to make. And turns out GREAT!! (most of the time) Depending on your Recipe. It can Take as little as a month, years, or even up to a life time for it to ferment. The recipe I will post first is great fo
Even if you are on a diet and make a mess during meal prep time. There are no measurements. I just threw everything on there and it worked great! Steps to clean your glass stove top fast and easy 1. Start by just drizzling some Dawn dish soap all over the stove. ...
The easiest concealer hack to faux flawless skin These are our fave foundations *of all time* The best hydrating primers for mega-dry skin 💦 These setting powders will lock your makeup *down* Are Rimmel products any good? Find out, here... ...
For stubborn residue on the glass, use a razor blade held at a very narrow angle to scrape it off. If your aquarium is acrylic, use a plastic razor blade, as steel razors will scratch acrylic even if you are very careful. Once the inside glass is cleaned, remove rocks, artificial plant...