but instead starts viewing its tissue as a foreign invader. It is no longer “tolerant” of itself, and this is what leads to an autoimmune condition. When the body begins this
Signed into law in 2003 and amended in 2004, theElectronic Waste Recycling Actis designed to help consumers safely recycle theire-waste. Althoughsocial mediabegan on sites including Friendster and Myspace, itspopularitypermeated the internet with the advent of Facebook in 2004. You may also like:F...
taking these suddenly because you can get antidepressant discontinuation syndrome, which causes symptoms such as insomnia and nausea. You will need to reduce your dose gradually to go off safely. Talk to your doctor if you want to go off so they can help you come up with a tapering schedule...
Taking Omeprazole Safely 1 Follow your doctor's dosing instructions. Be sure to ask your doctor how many mg you should take each day. If they've prescribed you omeprazole, look on the side of the bottle or read the information booklet that came with the prescription to see how much your ...