hitting an enemy outside of a Bone Storm has up to a 5-25% chance to spawn an additional Bone Storm at their location. Each of your active Sacrifice bonuses increases the chance by 25% and the total number of additional Bone Storms you can have by +1. ...
With tears in my eyes as I am sending this message to you, I AM 5 MONTH PREGNANT WITH TWINS! and My mother in law died last month. – Now I declare, that this month, the leader of your enemy will die by fire, say Amen! Any seed devourer living in your womb or anywhere in yo...
anything between the black line and the coast will be under water. This would be when nibiru hits the ocean, causing a massive tidal wave that would sweep over the USA coastlines, if it hits in the Atlantic. The flood on the west coast would be due to nibiru hitting in the Pacific. ...