JavaScript actionsdon't include the environment in the code. You'll have to specify the environment to execute these actions. You can run these actions in a VM (virtual machine) in the cloud or on-premises. JavaScript actions support Linux, macOS, and Windows environments. Composite actions...
A WinGet Configuration file is separated into two primary sections:Assertions: The preconditions required to run the configuration. Resources: The list of software and tools to install, the configuration settings for those installs, and the configurations settings for the Windows operating system....
Selenium WebDriver is a powerful tool for automating web applications, and Docker is a popular platform for containerizing applications. Combining these two technologies allows you to run Selenium WebDriver tests in a highly scalable and reproducible manner. In this blog post, we will guide you thro...
Perhaps look at the Windows tests we run: cclaussadded Windows on Apr 18, 2023 zydjohnHotmail commented on Apr 18, 2023 zydjohnHotmail on Apr 18, 2023 Author Hi, Take some time to close my issu...
In addition to starting Nakama and database, docker-compose.yml file also defines the tf container, an instance of TFX (formerly known as Tensorflow Serving), a service to serve pre-trained machine learning models. The model itself is located in the ./model directory. Contribute The development...
these two images are in two containers but they are in same network My host system is windows machine one of my docker container is of debian based 5 . I have written docker-compose file to run my both containers for building i use docker-compose build and run i use docker-compose up...
The command to convert is the following: jmx2yaml blazeDemo.jmx Note: by default, the output file will be named blazeDemo.jmx.yml (we can delete the “.jmx” part). BlazeMeter vs. Taurus for JMeter Testing We now see how easily we can use Taurus to run our JMeter scripts. But, ...
What happens when an App Service with named Volumes in Docker Compose restarts? NOTE: When I try to run thedocker-compose.ymllocally, Things are working good. / NFS support is only available for App Service on Linux. NFS isn't supported for Windows code and Windows containers. The ...
in the container to the value of $DISPLAY on your host. You can encapsulate all this configuration in one docker-compose.yml file: version:"3" services: app: image:my-app:latest build: . environment: - DISPLAY=${DISPLAY} volumes:
Thephp.iniis located next to the mydocker-compose.ymlwhere it is mounted into the container upon start. After re-building this image I rundocker-compose up -dwhich re-creates the container with the new image and re-reading thephp.ini. ...