This is very convenient because in modern web development you almost always have some npm or yarn process running in the background.You can create more than one terminal tab, and show them one next to the other, and also stack them to the right rather than in the bottom of the window:...
I know I've solved this before, but perhaps the landscape has changed since then. I'm trying to setup a new project primarily using fastify, coding in VSCode in TypeScript and managing dependencies with Yarn2. VSCode is telling me it cannot find fastify. It also cannot find Node types de...
I run a headless Ubuntu and like to ask how you guys efficiently developcode-server, which in a way, is equivalent to developingVSCode. Do you usecode-serverto edit the code ofVSCode? There are some steps in the readme, I followed
The vscode plugin is not working for me in Sagemaker, it does work on my laptop. I could have sworn I DONT need to install thesql-formatterbinary via npm or yarn if I install the plugin (the docs could be clearer on this--many enter the sql-formatter world via the vscode plugin). ...
3. command “yarn run watch” will finish successfully but not exit. Just manually stop it. 4. vscode will update ffmpeg and electron for the first time running. 5. vscode takes ~8 sec to load and show window. 6. totally takes extra ~2.2GB disk space. IMO it’s slow and huge as ...
{"scripts": {"lint:all:stylelint":"yarn lint:stylelint \"src/**/*.{vue,scss}\""},"devDependencies": {"stylelint":"^14.1.0","stylelint-config-prettier":"^9.0.3","stylelint-config-recess-order":"^3.0.0","stylelint-config-standard":"^24.0.0","stylelint-scss":"^4.0.0", }...
yarn add cypress --dev Verifying the installation In addition to downloading Cypress immediately, npm install cypress also adds an entry to the package.json file. When you run -save-dev, the cypress entry in package.json will be saved. As a development dependency, Cypress will be...
log* yarn-debug.log* yarn-error.log* pnpm-debug.log* lerna-debug.log* node_modules dist dist-ssr *.local *.env # Editor directories and files .vscode/* !.vscode/extensions.json .idea .DS_Store *.suo *.ntvs* *.njsproj *.sln *.sw?
During this step, you may need to add additional packages depending on what third-party libraries you’re using. For instance, I am usingmomentso I had to runyarn add -D @types/momentto add the types as adevDependency. Here are some other things to keep in mind as you do this: ...
RUN yarn install --production CMD ["node", "src/index.js"] EXPOSE 3000 ``` And my `docker-compose.yaml` file: ``` version: "3.9" # optional since v1.27.0 services: web: build: . ports: - "8000:5000" volumes: - .:/code ...