执行命令,将<username>替换为用户名 # sudo vi /etc/sudoers.d/<username> 然后输入一下内容保存 <username>ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL 然后使用该username登录,再使用sudo时则不再提示输入用户名 参考: https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-run-sudo-command-without-password/...
Unless you have an unusual setup, you can't normally stringsuwith other preceding commands like that. I would imagine it is runningsudo su, then hanging in the root environment/session, because it's waiting for you to exit before preceding to thepm2commands. Instead, I would consider somethi...
But we aren’t done yet, as the current user won’t have permission to use “sudo”. It’s an administrative command that requires privileges to be given individually to each trusted user. To allow your current user to run sudo commands, you need to get back to the root session, and ...
It shows "'brew' is not recognized as an internal or external command" in windows command prompt. I am trying to install codeigniter-reactjs-example from github, where first command is brew. How to run this command to install that project in Windows..? php html codeigniter reactjs command ...
Access your VM as the root user by using the following command: sudo su - Find the disk. The method that you use to discover your new disk may vary. We recommend that5 you use thedmesgcommand. The following example usesdmesgto filter on SCSI disks: ...
Enable Sudo on Windows 11 from Registry To turn on the sudo command from the Registry, do the following. Open the Registry Editor tool, for that press Win + R, type regedit in the Run box, and hit Enter. Navigate to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion key. ...
The released images require Docker 17.05 or newer. You must be able to run Docker withoutsudoor local administrative rights. Follow Docker's officialinstructionsto install Docker. The release containers derive from the official distribution image, install dependencies, and install the Azure PowerShell ...
Use the command sudo to run the installer script in that case. For example, if the installer is called “DocumentationInstaller.sh”, run: sudo bash DocumentationInstaller.sh sudo asks you to enter your password on the machine. After providing it, the installer starts. ...
Step 1: Add a regular user to the sudo group To add the user to sudo group, use theusermodcommand as shown: # usermod -aG sudo username For example, to grant a user ‘james’ administrative privileges, run: # usermod -aG sudo james ...
I have an interactive shell script, that at one place needs to ssh to another machine (Ubuntu based) and execute something as root (the user should enter his password, but the remote command should run like noted in the script):