InStarfield, you can complete missions for different factions to earn a ton of XP, credits, and unique items. Many of these you’ll come across in your travels randomly: one minute you’ll be walking down the street in Akila City, next you’ll be dragged into a bank robbery out of no...
Or maybe you aren’t sure where to head to begin your Shattered Space journey? With that in mind, we’re here to offer a primer on the events leading up to this new content, the updates Starfield has seen since launch, plus information on how to access it in-game. A Rundown of ...
and a deadly race aptly named the Red Mile in Starfield. The Red Mile race can be run by speaking to Mei, the owner of the casino. You can either run the race on your own time but you will have to complete it if you want to complete the Freestar Rangers quest line as well. ...
No, this bug can’t be fixed on Xbox since players don’t have access to the game’s console like PC players. However, if you were to have a PC that can runStarfield, you could try moving your save to use the console. Starfieldsupports cross savesand Xbox players can take their save...
While you go on various escapades through the expansive world of Starfield, you’re bound to run into at least a few situations where you upset one of the game’s major factions: the United Colonies and the Freestar Collective. If you find yourself in some hot water, you might find it ...
Starfield: How to Steal a Ship Once you’ve boarded a vessel, you’re in enemy territory, and the people on that ship won’t let you steal it sitting down. Before you can actually steal a ship, you have to eliminate all hostiles on board. The size and class of the ship will dete...
Want to know how Starfield runs on Steam Deck? Or desktop Linux? Well, I've given it a run to see what I think of it and here's some early info for you.
As with all skills in Starfield, the “Target Control Systems” skill requires a skill point to unlock the first rank and the completion of challenges to unlock the rest. You’ll be destroying a lot of ships to rank up. Destroy five ships while in targeting mode (for Rank Two). ...
Same’s dislikes includeextorting peoplefor money orhurting innocent people. If you want to ruin this run, just ask Sam to use his Coe family name to your advantage. Hurting Sam’s daughter in any way will also nuke your chances to romance him in Starfield. Talking smack about the Freesta...
How To Start ‘Job Gone Wrong’ Talking To The Shaw Gang Breaking Into The Bank Reward One of the best parts of Starfield is the constant flow of distractions. You could be heading to one place, and suddenly, something cool crops up that diverts your attention. This small hitch t...