Scala runs its code on Java, i.e. it requires java 1.8 or greater version installed on your system to run its code. Toinstall and run a Scala program on your systemyou need to follow these steps, 1) Check Java Installation Torun a Scala program on your system, the first step is to ...
Exceptions in Scala Exceptionsare cases or events that occur in the program at run time and hinder the regular flow of execution of the program. These can be handled in the program itself. Scala also provides some methods to deal with exceptions. When the program's logic is probable to thro...
Steps to Run CMD Commands Using Batch Script Batch is a specially developed scripting language for Windows Command Prompt environment. It can also run Command Prompt commands. You can have a sequence of CMD commands to perform a specific task. You only need to copy all these commands, paste ...
Step 2: Download Scala 2.11.7 binaries in the system from and then run the downloaded file Step 3: Click on next button Step 4: Select the check box Step 5: If you want to change the location then select the folder where you want to install it...
Deep knowledge of Python, Java, and Scala Familiarity with machine learning frameworks (like Scikit-learn, Keras, or PyTorch) Understanding of data structures, data modeling, and software architecture Advanced mathematical skills (linear algebra, calculus, statistics) Ability to work in a team and ex...
Config: sbt with multiple subproject intellij CE 15.0.2 scala plugin 2.1.0 scala 2.10 Bonus question: how to run all tests (junit and scalatest)?
Take note of the response time from these ping tests, as anything below 100ms or lower is considered perfectly fine for optimal gameplay. Open CMD using Windows + R key Enter ping commandTo see our other guides on Minecraft server hosting, please visit ←...
Problem: How do I use ScalaTest in Eclipse (or, How do I run my ScalaTest unit tests from Eclipse?) Solution I do a lot of work from the command line with Ant builds and similar things, but there are times I like to do things through Eclipse. Today I wanted to run my ScalaTest...
Step 2: Download Scala 2.11.7 binaries in the system from and then run the downloaded file Step 3: Click on next button Step 4: Select the check box Step 5: If you want to change the location then select the folder where you want to install it...
I run my play application using the run command from inside activator. When I open the index page, after compiling the sources, the console prints [warn] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations. [warn] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. How do I do tha...