Before we begin, it's essential to ensure that we haveTailwind CSSandConcurrentlyinstalled. Tailwind CSS utility classes will be used for styling our project and will not affect the functionality. Concurrently will allow us to run our React frontend and server file simultaneously on our machines. ...
To set up custom error capturing, we can create a React error boundary: In the app folder, create a file named error.js. In this file, set up a basic component that uses usePostHog to capture an $exception event and returns an error page. ...
Open a terminal, create your project folder, and run the following command: npx create-react-app app For modern applications, consider using tools like Vite for faster builds. Install the @react-oauth/google package to leverage Google’s Identity Services SDK: npm install @react-oauth/google ...
I'm working on a react app where the app needs to open on https://localhost:300 but its opening on http://localhost:3000. I'm using windows OS and to make the app work i did the following generated the self signed certificate added it to the root level of the project my package...
To run the test script and simulate the workflow execution locally, execute the following command in our terminal or command prompt: node test.js This will execute the test script and provide output and feedback based on the steps defined in the script. ...
ssh -l ec2-user -i .\ec2key.pem46.123.23.231-v -N -L localhost:9405: Naturally is the public IP of the EC2-instance. is the internal IP of the EC2-instance in my VPC. I can successfully connect via ssh to the instance using ...
Now, JavaScript has its own built-in way to make API requests. This is the Fetch API, a new standard to make server requests with Promises, but which also includes additional features. Step 1 — Getting Started with Fetch API Syntax ...
Open a terminal, create your project folder, and run the following command: npx create-react-app app For modern applications, consider using tools like Vite for faster builds. Install the @react-oauth/google package to leverage Google’s Identity Services SDK: npm install @react-oauth/google ...
In this case, the directory react-router-example will be created. If you cd into it, you should see a structure similar to the following:What does React Router DOM do?React Router includes three main packages:react-router, the core package for the router react-router-dom, which contains ...
10.Then, press the\"Save\"button. 11.To activate the mobile hotspot, toggle theswitchnext to \"Mobile Hotspot.\" The WiFi in your PC must have 6G capability otherwise it can't connect at that protocol.