I have an exe file in a shared network folder H:\MyPP\Planner.exe. How can I run that application from asp.net core . I tried to run the exe using the static ipaddress as given below. But it will work only in application . After publishing and hosting the project , the exe is...
Postman or Runscope can help make it easier to eyeball it, but frankly, trusting eyeballs isn’t really the point. The application needs some automated tests to help make sure everything is running smoothly and correctly. It should be a test suite that’s easy to run, cove...
let’s pretend we run a pet daycare business, and we’d like to build an API to help us keep track of pets and their owners. We might create a diagram that looks something like this:
These are a few reasons you might want to run your own LLM. Or maybe you don’t want the whole world to see what you’re doing with the LLM. It’s risky to send confidential or IP-protected information to a cloud service. If they’re ever hacked, you might be exposed. In this a...
I need to call en event at the moment the user close the app. How can I do that? All replies (1) Wednesday, October 9, 2019 2:21 AM From the Xamarin.Forms lifecycle documentation, we can see that there is no method for application termination. To detect app closing, you need ...
An Express app running athttp://localhost:3000/with an EJS template to serve a single page with client-side HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The browser JavaScript uses theWebSocket APIto make the initial connection then send and receive messages. ...
If your REST API is secured using digest authentication, then you can use the --digest flag to enable HTTP digest authentication in the curl command as well. $ curl --digest --user username:password -i http://localhost:8080/SpringRestDemo/api/book/9783827 Btw, if you are curious about ...
This article describes how to perform a REST API request in Azure using RBAC authorization with Postman
I have also tested to run webapi in postman tool i am getting this errorCopy { "$id": "1", "message": "No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI 'http://localhost:54445/api/Login'.", "messageDetail": "No action was found on the controller 'Login' that matches ...
You can run requests to Azure Maps APIs from most clients, like C#, Java, or JavaScript. Postman converts an API request into a basic client code snippet in almost any programming language or framework you choose. You can use this generated code snippet in your front-end applications....