RPCS3 supports digitally downloaded games in PKG files and disc-based games in either ISO or uncompressed folder format. The easiest and arguably only legal way to get your hands on PlayStation 3 games to run within RPCS3 is to dump (rip) PS3 games you own with your PlayStation 3 consol...
however, with the right hardware, you cancreate your own ISO files. You can also visit the"Quickstart" page on the RPCS3 websiteto find out how to dump the games you own.
Playing your favorite PS3 games on PC shouldn't be a hurdle with RPCS3. If you're stuck somewhere, this guide will come to your rescue.
First of all ... thanks to reWASD team for bringing Virtual DS3 I spend quite some time figuring how to get Virtual DS3 working with RPCS3 and PCSX2. To save time for others ... and to keep some record of what I have done for future references ... here
Pack up your log files.Copy pasta from the emulator's log window onto a new text file doesn't count, as that's merely a resume from what's happening. Use a compressing tool such as7-Zipto compress theRPCS3.logfile to a .7z fileafter closing the emulator. The log file is located ...
Are you also facing Vulkan-1.dll Missing Error while using RPCS3? Click here for the detailed steps to fix the RPCS3 Vulkan-1.dll missing Error
The general rule is that Xenia is more GPU-dependant, while RPCS3 is more CPU-dependent, so a powerful GPU for this to run properly is required. Also read:How to Run Old Games on Windows Xenia Game Compatibility List Before diving in with Xenia, you probably want to have an idea of ...