Next you’ll need to expose Docker to the WSL so you can run Docker on your Ubuntu environment. Click on theGearicon in the top right corner to open Settings. From there you’ll click theResourcetab and then clickWSL Integration. You’ll see your Ubuntu en...
If you are trying to figure out how to start your application on a production server, then the answer is indeed simple: use neither. For a production deployment use a production-ready web server such as gunicorn or uWSGI . In a development environment, both methods are fully supported, so ...
thecurlcommand is an alias for the PowerShellInvoke-WebRequestcommand. This means thatcurlcommands in the Windows terminal will invokeInvoke-Requestbehind the scenes. To avoid this and actually usecurlfrom cURL, replace “curl” with “curl.exe.” This way, PowerShell will run curl and notInvo...
There are multiple ways you can install cURL on Windows. We’ll focus on just one quick and clean way (in my opinion), which I hope works for most using Windows. If you encounter any issues please leave a comment, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. [powerkit_alert ty...
Your prompt should change to indicate that you are now operating within a Python virtual environment. It will look something like this:(django)user@host:~$. With your virtual environment active, install Django, Gunicorn, dj-database-url, and thepsycopg2PostgreSQL adaptor with the local instance ...
In this article, the main focus is just to be able to solve an error message appear upon running a Django application. The execution process of the Django application is in a device running using Microsoft Windows as its operating system. Before going to the ...
First, create a newProcfilein the root directory and add the code below. It specifies the command to run the Flask microservice on Kinsta’s Gunicorn WSGI HTTP Server for Python applications. web: gunicorn services.wsgi In yourrequirements.txtfile, add the Gunicorn dependency: ...
from ocrapi.main import app as application if __name__ == "__main__": You can now run the app using the following command: gunicorn ocrapi.wsgi Your basic OCR API is ready, and it’s time to test it! Testing the OCR API Locally You can use the built-in cUR...
Next, create a new Python app. To do that, migrate into your project's root folder on the CMD and run: python startapp app_name Remember to replaceproject_nameandapp_namewith your preferred names. You need thegunicornmodule for this, so you should also runpip install gunicorn....
So, the physical folder path of ‘/media/sf_windows’ actually exist in the host machine running with a Windows operating system. Another Solution for Solving the Error Message Since the problem is not in the npm tool either the NodeJS application itself, try to check...