该方法的缺点是无法在pycharm内终止启动的脚本,因为是以root身份运行的,需要手动终止进程: ps aux | grep your_script_name | awk'{print $2}'|xargs sudo kill -9 将grep_your_script_name用你的脚本名字替换即可(不要加后缀.py) 参考资料:
Runps -ef | grep -v grep | grep linuxmainto check whether the Agent is running properly. If thelinuxmainprocess is not running, restart the Agent. If thelinuxmainprocess is running, go to3. In the cmd window, runtelnet sms.ap-southeast-3.myhuaweicloud.com 443to check the connection ...
From here on , now you can run Bash scripts,Linux command-line toolslikesed, awk, grepand you can even tryLinux-first toolslikeRuby, Git, Python, etc. directly on Windows. One can also access Windows filesystem from within Bash. After installing, it’ll also be listed in the App list...
For GPU-accelerated ECSs, you need to configure X Server, x11vnc, and lightdm when installing a GUI. Remotely log in to the ECS. Query the BusID of the GPU. lspci | grep -i nvidia Figure 1GPU's BusID Generate the X Server configuration. ...
runroot = "/xxx" where /xxx can correspond to any preferred location. - Once the changes are made, it can be verified by runningpodman info Raw # podman info | grep runRoot runRoot: /xxx For Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8+ it is recommended to runpodman system resetas the user runRoot...
Use theipconfig /allcommand to display your default gateway address on your Windows system. On a Mac, enternetstat -rn | grep -i default. Useip route | grep -i defaulton a Linux box. Address packet loss quickly Testing network performance and identifying packet loss are critical skills for...
$ oc get ingresscontroller.operator default -n openshift-ingress-operator -o yaml | grep defaultCertificate ### no output Check the validity of the ingress certificate: Raw $ oc project openshift-ingress $ oc get secret router-certs-default -o yaml | grep crt | awk '{print $2}' | bas...
Sorry, unable to complete the action you requested. 1 Correct answer winterm • Mentor , Jul 18, 2018 Basically, you need to catch the last sentence? Well, there’s no universal definition for *sentence* in GREP. These expressions will catch the longest...
% sw_vers ProductName: macOS ProductVersion: 13.3.1 ProductVersionExtra: (a) BuildVersion: 22E772610a % sysctl -a|grep brand machdep.cpu.brand_string: Apple M1 Copy link LokishrcommentedJul 16, 2023 I have succeeded to run the server on M1 Mac. ...
grep crashkernel /proc/cmdline If the command output is displayed, this parameter has been configured. Edit the/etc/default/grubfile to configure the following parameters: GRUB_TIMEOUT=5 GRUB_DEFAULT=saved GRUB_DISABLE_SUBMENU=true GRUB_TERMINAL_OUTPUT="console" GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="crashkernel=aut...