I’m Using google colab, the problem is that now instead of root directory, I want to save weights in my Google drive, but unable to do so while running these codes. # Specify the save directory for training runs save_dir = '/content/drive/MyDrive/ComputerVision/myproject/logs' os....
When I interrupt a cell in colab it also interrupts the SSH connection and causes VSCode Remote to disconnect from Colab. This then means I have to go runlaunch_ssh_cloudflared(password)again, wait for it to load, copy the new cloudflared url and reconnect to colab again, th...
started rolling out much more complex models. We used to have simple manually-built heuristics. In six weeks, a team that hadn’t used Metaflow before was able to build an ML-based model, A/B test its performance, which handily beat the old simple approach, and roll it out to ...
If you have Python 3.x, you must install Beautiful Soup to run the script. However, you will not need to worry about this if you have earlier versions of Python. In addition, you may need to get some of Python’s libraries if you are performing a link audit for a large website. T...