Using flask run Theflask runmethod is the newest solution and is recommended by the Flask project. Theflaskcommand is added to your virtual environment when you install the Flask package. It comes out of the box with three commands:
5. Set theFLASK_APPenvironment variable. Run the command below: For Linux and macOS: export For Windows: setx FLASK_APP "" Note:Windows users must restart the console to set the environment variable. Learn more about setting environment variables by reading one of ...
3. We need to now install some extra packages to go alongside our Kodi installation. These packages contain the Python package manager “pip” as well as some extras that are needed for us to run the Kodi Netflix Plugin. Run the following command to install the last few packages we requir...
It can also run Command Prompt commands. You can have a sequence of CMD commands to perform a specific task. You only need to copy all these commands, paste them into a Batch file (.bat), and run the script. In this way, you need not execute all the commands individually. Let’s ...
ll have to create theindex.htmltemplate file in a directory calledtemplatesinside yourflask_appdirectory. Flask looks for templates in thetemplates directory, which is calledtemplates, so the name is important. Make sure you’re inside theflask_appdirectory and run the following command to create...
$ Run the Flask application using the command: $flask run Open the web browser and go to the URLhttp:// The message has been displayed and now, we will uninstall Flask and deactivate the Python environment by executing the command: ...
A Batch file consists of commands that are executed by the command prompt. Some of these commands don’t run without administrator permission; hence, it is important to run a Batch file as an administrator. Manually, you can run the Batch file as an administrator by right-clicking on the ...
by enabling the debug mode in your development server. To do so, stop the server withCTRL+Cand set the environment variableFLASK_ENVtodevelopment, so you can run the application in development mode (which enables the debugger), using the following command (on Windows, usesetinstead ofexport):...
Now, we can test the application by running the following command: flask run --host= You will receive the following output: (flask-venv) root@host:/opt/flask-app# flask run --host= * Debug mode: off WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production...
These rules determine in which format and with which command set your application can access the service, as well as what data this service can return in the response. The API acts as a layer between your application and external service. You do not need to know the internal structure and ...