clang-tidy keeps giving me warnings that I should be using memset_s instead of memset. note: Call to function 'memset' is insecure as it does not provide security checks introduced in the C11 standard. Replace with analogous functions that support length arguments or provides boundary checks suc...
The reference application can build on Linux or macOS, allowing you to get started immediately without the need for embedded hardware. Example two: RPI This Raspberry PI application shows how to run F´ in an embedded context by running on the Raspberry PI (a $35 embedded Linux computer)....
CLion bundles a few native components built for Linux, these binaries won't work on FreeBSD. Noticeable examples are: JRE (you need to install it in order to launch CLion), fsnotifier (you will be warned on startup that file sync may be slow), libpty (required for running apps with c...
To debug the components designed to run on Linux, the developers on our client’s side used Microsoft Visual Studio in remote debug mode. But this increased the time before the actual start of debugging and made these components less convenient to use. Compilation was performed on a computer ...
So, motivated by the fact that using grep and regular expressions wasn’t cutting it for me any more I decided to see how easy it was to write a clang plug-in and make the compiler work for me. After a couple days of hacking and very few lines of code the clazy static checker is...
go generate -mod=mod -tags linux_bpf ./pkg/security/probe/compile.go Copy 在这些go文件的头部,有相应的go:generate指令,调用根目录的pkg/ebpf/include_headers.go来合并对应文件,并保存到pkg/ebpf/bytecode/build/runtime/目录下,生成的文件包括如下几个C文件。
.clang-format Bug 1322321 - Update the clang format file to match more our coding s… .clang-format-ignore Bug 1341423 - Integrate OpenVR binding library r=daoshengmu .clang-tidy Bug 1319396 - Update the list of checkers in the .clang-tidy file r=E… .cron.yml Bug 1357867 - Land in...
Finally, Clang Tidy is given its own make target to simplify its use. Here we tell the script which clang tidy binary to use, as well as which checks to perform, and what header files to include, which is all of them. We turn off the -cert-err58-cpp test ...
Linux and Mac are similar in how highlighting on mouseover works. I am running on a Linux machine to do this test, so it's not going to be perfectly on a Mac, but should give you some tips of the direction to try some things... import PySimpleGUI as sg layout = [[sg.Button('...
This is the official GitHub repository for OpenSpace: an open source astrovisualization project. For instructions on how to build and run OpenSpace, see the Getting Started Guides on the wiki page at - OpenSpace/OpenSpac