Finally, we save the file. Then run the command to execute the playbook ansible-playbook playbook.yml The output appears as, A common error while running an Ansible playbook Ansible playbook is aYAMLfile. It is very much specific about white spaces and indentations. Hence running Ansible playbo...
In this post, we are going to seehow to run the playbook locallyon our Localhost on the control machine. How to run Ansible Playbook locally is one of the questions I used to have before I learnt it. Let me tell you how to Run Ansible Playbook Locally with Examples. In fact, There ...
Finally,special variablesare predefined by Ansible and can’t be set by users. Use the following command to get a list of special variables: ansible -m setup hostname How to Write an Ansible Playbook? Create an Ansible playbook by using any text editor available on your system. For instance...
Ansible is an open source automation tool that aims to ease the tasks involved in various IT operations such as configuration management, provisioning, application deployment and intra-service orchestration. In application development, Ansible can be used to perform such tasks as downloading assets from...
Save the file and run using the command as: ansible-playbook --user=debian apt.yaml This will run the playbook and execute the tasks specified. The output is as shown below: In the Ansible playbook, we start by specifying the hosts. In this case, we only want the Debian hosts. ...
Setting thehostsdirective toallis a common choice because you can limit the targets of a play at execution time by running theansible-playbookcommand with the-lparameter. That allows you to run the same playbook on different servers or groups without the need to change the playbook file every ...
Then run again, # ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/playbooks/apache.yml This time, the task reports that the Apache web server was started and enabled on each host: Ansible: Start Web Server Please consider the above example as a glimpse of the power of Ansible. While these are relatively eas...
# Playbook.yaml - name: test hosts: switchs_1 connection: ansible.netcommon.netconf gather_facts: no tasks: - name: add_VLAN vlan_id: 100 name: WEB_Vlan description: "hello" 4. Run the playbook Use the ansible-playbook command to ...
Execute the playbook using theansible-playbookcommand and the playbook name. Since this playbook targets thelocalhostonly, an inventory is not strictly required. You can still create one. Also, because one of the tasks requires privilege escalation, provide the parameter-Kto type yoursudopassword, ...
command: 'df -Th /' register: df - debug: var=df.stdout Now, let’s run the playbook. In this case, we have named our playbookcheck_disk_space.yml. # ansible-playbook check_disk_space.yml check disk usage of Ansible managed nodes ...