I want to create the Angular application using Visual Studio 2019 Angular template in Asp.net core butwithout Node.js as External tool installation. I found that NuGet package manager also providing Node.js and NPM Packages for building Angular app. So I created the asp.net core projected and...
Debugging Angular Application in Chrome Dev Tool Run the Angular application in Google Chrome. Then right-click on the page and select "Inspect" or press "[F12]" to open the DevTools. Go to the "Sources" tab and press[Ctrl]+[P]to search for a TS file to debug. Otherwise, we can ma...
alias ng="npm run-script ng" Finally, start the new project: cd translation-demo ng serve Open your browser and visit the following URL: http://localhost:4200. You should see something similar to this: Default Angular Application at the first start. Here's the step-by-step guide on how...
The thing you can do that will speed up your Angular app the most is to reduce those bindings where you can. One way to do this would be to create a directive that built out the table for you with DOM manipulation rather than using ng-repeats. This will reduce the number of overall ...
Run Your Angular Docker Container After you have successfully finished building the docker image, you can run the corresponding docker container using the previously defined image tag. To launch the angular application, simply execute the following command: ...
docker run -p 8080:80 my-angular-app This command runs the Docker container and maps port 8080 of your machine to port 80 in the Docker container. Now, your Angular application is running inside a Docker container and is accessible athttp://localhost:8080. ...
npm install -g @angular/cli To create a new Angular application, all you need to do is run this command: To serve your application on your localhost, you can use this command: cd demoFirebaseAppng serve Next up, you need to create a Firebase Account. ...
How To Run Unit Testing In AngularSvetloslav Novoselski / Monday, April 18, 2022 Most development teams will agree that unit testing in Angular is time-consuming and many will also agree that it is unnecessary — and will decide to skip it. Depending on the scale of your project and ...
Hi, We are using Azure DevOps for angular builds and deploying to Azure App Services. Please let us help in Building the Angular 12 universal SSR build. We need build steps for our Azure DevOps pipeline. SSR build step is already added to pipeline
We changed value in console, but it doesn't refect on UI. This is because Angular 2 Change detection. We need to trigger it by: ng.probe($0)._debugInfo._view.changeDetectorRef.detectChanges()//trigger the change detection 1. Once we run it, the UI will change. ...