Now, how do I get Project/MainModule to run from -- for example -- index.html (so that it logs "MainModule defined" into console)? I have RequireJS loaded to handle the AMD syntax, as well as the main.js file specified for immediate loading: index.html <script data-main="main" src...
/* Enable incremental compilation */// "composite": true, /* Enable constraints that allow a TypeScript project to be used with project references. */// "tsBuildInfoFile": "./", /* Specify the folder for .tsbuildinfo incremental compilation...
The ts-node command will transpile the TypeScript file to JavaScript and will run the code in a single step. Here is the TypeScript file we will run from the command line. src/index.ts function sum(a: number, b: number) { console.log(`The result is: ${a + b}`); return a + ...
If you are to run a typescript project with node you need to have at least node, npm and typescript installed on your plateform. Using an IDE to setup the project Using intelliJ IDEA or Webstorm (they are the ones I know the best), the compilation of typescript in...
npm init -y npm i -D typescript @types/node npm-run-all npx tsc --init In generatedtsconfig.jsonfile (this would be our base file for different build targets) changeoutDirto point tobuilddirectory: "outDir": "./build" Now we can create our configuration for TS based on the build ...
--exec: Use the--execswitch to specify a binary to execute the file with. For example, when combined with thets-nodebinary,--execcan become useful to watch for changes and run TypeScript files. --ext: Specify different file extensions to watch. For this switch, provide a comma-separated...
Alternatively if you'd want to run TypeScript in watch mode you can run npm run build -- --watch or define another script that calls tsc --watch. Create a TypeScript configuration If you don't want to constantly pass a bunch of configuration options via command-line arguments to the ...
If you’d like to accomplish this task quicker, we recommend the Hosted Subgraphs add-on. By using this add-on, you'll save development time and be able to create, deploy and host a Subgraph in minutes. Don't forget to look at the full here: How to Run a Hosted Subg...
Install TS Compiler `npm install -g typescript' Initialise the projecttsc --init You can runtsc <file/path> Basics TS helps to catch errors before runtime unlike JS by doing type checks while coding. Static type-checking constmessage="hello!";message();// Error: This expression is not ...
At this point, when we use the translated snippet above in a TypeScript project, we must then configure the TypeScript compiler to handle the module import using the"paths"property: // tsconfig.json{"compilerOptions":{"baseUrl":"./src","paths":{"express":["node_modules/express/lib/expre...