點擊滑鼠左鍵放置物品。 如何在《The Sims 4》中自由旋轉物品 如果您想在建造時做出更精細的旋轉,您可以自由旋轉。這只適用於使用滑鼠旋轉,無法使用鍵盤進行旋轉。 在PC 和 Mac 平台的操作方式: 開啟「建造模式」。 選擇要放置的物品。 使用滑鼠,點擊左鍵按住物品。 移動滑鼠並轉動物品時,按住Alt鍵。 當物品朝向...
Any objects placed on walls turn invisible in "walls down" and "walls cut" view mode, only showing on "walls up" view mode.This is EXTREMELY annoying. I want to turn that off and make all objects on a floor visible at all times, no matter the view mode.To make it clear,...
「The Sims 4」でオブジェクトを自由に回転させる方法 建築時にもっと細かい角度で回転させたい場合は、以下の方法で自由に回転させることができます。これはキーボードではなく、マウスでのみ可能です。 PCやMacでこれを行うには、以下の操作を行ってください。
A tutorial for people who want to learn how to install mods and cc in The Sims 4. Includes links to download sites.
Use/interact with objects/pick up items:E Crouch down:Ctrl Fire:Left mouse button Reload:R Aim down sight:Right mouse button Change weapons:Scroll wheel on mouse Building slots:F1 through F4 Rotate building structure:R Change building material:Right mouse button ...
1. Switch to Airplane mode while uploading a file or when your app screen is loading. 2. Change the network from 4G to 3G and vice versa to check how your app handles the change in the network. 3. Change the network when a video is being played. 4. Switch from WiFi to Mobile Data...
It’s up to you to find out where you are — and who you are — by exploring your surroundings and interacting with more than 2,500 objects. You’ll figure out how to crack safes, guide rockets, rotate lighthouses, and lots more....
While juggling to have a happy personal life and getting through the burdens of an office job, we forget to do one little thing: move enough during the day. Technology has made everything simpler, which also means less moving and a more sedentary lifestyle. We forget that in order to be...
Pour faire pivoter un objet avec votre souris sur Mac : Ouvrez le mode Construction. Sélectionnez l’objet que vous souhaitez placer. Une fois l’objet sélectionné, cliquez sur le bouton droit de la souris. Ensuite, appuyez sur la touche Droite de votre clavier pour faire pivoter l’ob...
The Sims 4에서 사물을 자유롭게 회전하는 방법 건축을 할 때 미세하게 돌리고 싶은 경우 자유롭게 회전할 수 있습니다. 이는 마우스를 사용하여 회전할 때만 작동하며 키보드로는...