Give a wrapped bouquet of long-stem roses to your loved one to make any day special. Create a gorgeous Valentine's Day or birthday gift on a budget by wrapping your own bouquet of long-stem roses just like a professional. Attractively wrapped long-stem roses are gift enough alone or can ...
Sunflowers are easy to grow from seed and are ideal for growing with children. They bear impressive, long-lasting flowers, and look fantastic in gardens and allotments. They also make an excellent cut flower. They are non-toxic to pets and humans. Perennial sunflowers come back year after ye...
Make sure the planting medium is lightly moistened and make a hole wide enough so the treated stem will go in without wiping the root stimulator off. Moisten the cut end of the stem and then dip it into the rooting powder or gel to a depth of about 1 inch. Mix 3 1/2 tablespoons of...
and shrubs. For bushes and shrubs, if the stems are soft wooded, chances are they can be rooted to grow new plants. The list is long and includes popular plants like Roses, Lilacs, Pussy Willows, Rose of Sharon, and many more. Thus, I always tell growers when in doubt, to give it...
taking stem cuttings The best time to propagate roses by taking softwood cuttings is in the spring, late fall, or even in the winter. Cuttings can be taken at any time of the year, but they are more likely to root successfully after flowering. ...
Leggy lavender plants, with long woody stems and sparse growth, are often the result of improper pruning (see “How to Prune Lavender”). However, plants can also get leggy if they receive insufficient sunlight or are planted in overly fertile soil. To restore their bushy appearance, start ...
17 of the Most Fragrant Roses for Sweet Scents All Season Long Laurie Black How Much to Prune Back Roses There are a few different approaches to pruning roses, depending on what you want to get out of them and what type of rose they are. Newly planted roses should be only lightly ...
Own-root roses may be a better choice if your plant is killed to the ground by winter frost as budded roses will grow back from the rootstock. The problem can be prevented by proper winter protection (see Caring for Roses). When buying bare-root roses, look for plants with many thick,...
Step 1. Prepare Roses | Choose fresh white roses for this project. Using sharp scissors or a scalpel, trim the stem at an angle for fast color absorption. Next, using a cutter or a scalpel, cut the stem into sections depending on how many colors you wish to dye the rose. ...
The large, oval watermelons that first come to mind, require a lot of space, and a long growing season. That’s why most home gardeners don’t allot precious garden space for them. The much smaller, but equally sweet baby or “bush” variety that requires about 1/3 of the space, is...