Apple trees can be reproduced from seeds, but the new plants will not necessarily be identical to the known parent from which the seed was taken. The most commonly used methods commercially are asexual: grafting and budding. These are said to be more successful than getting a cutting to root...
Check the hardwood cuttings after 3 to 4 weeks to see if they've rooted. The easiest way to determine if the cuttings have rooted is by tugging gently on a cutting. If you feel slight resistance, it means the cutting has taken root. Plant each cutting in its own 4-inch container. Put...
The end of summer is here and that means it's apple season! We have some local orchards that we love visiting to collect apples and making fresh applesauce
Apple trees are one of the easiest fruit trees to grow and a focal point for any garden. They also have many benefits besides the juicy fruit they produce. They are a wonderful habitat for an array of wildlife species from birds to bees and even moths. T
Grafting can also happen out in the orchard, and instead of creating a new tree on purchased root stock, you’ll be grafting new scion wood onto existing trees. This technique can be used to create a multi-variety apple tree, or more often, to change the tree variety altogether. ...
to keep a good balance of fruiting and vegetative wood – important for the longevity and productivity of an apple tree. Also, get a good idea about when and what you can use tofertilizenew and mature apple trees, and when to stop fertilizing to avoid complications with winter injury later...
To remove a bush or shrub, dig out from the base of the plant, including the roots, and be prepared to remove an extensive root system on large, old shrubs. Be sure to correct any environmental issues if possible; if not, put the new shrub in a better spot. Then be sure to stay ...
Always make cuts close to a bud. The buds are the source of your tree’s new growth and are where the sap that fuels that growth is most concentrated. Cutting too far from new buds risks making a wound that dries out and “blocks” the next growth point. You should find an outward-...
Place an open plastic bag loosely over the potted bay tree to retain moisture and create a humid environment. Remove all but the top four leaves of the cutting. Plant the cutting so that the heel is about two inches below the soil surface. ...
Fun fact: I handed mine to my toddler, and he handled them so gently. It’s amazing how little hands instinctively care for delicate things. I hope you liked this tutorial for how to make an 8-point paper star. Don't forget totake a photo and tag me @applegreencottageso I can see...