Master Duel players are unable to find the cards they want within the 24-hour window or need more time to get some more Gems, Secret Packs can be easily unlocked again by taking advantage of the game’s crafting system, which is similar to games like Hearthstone. Whenever a Super Rare o...
How To Play OCG Introduction Card Types Reading the Cards The Duel Field For New Beginners Official Rulebook Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game - Official Card Database New Master Rule New points to the "New Master Rule" Changes compared with the previous Master Rule New Master Rule Q&A Master...
Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel is the latest free-to-play digital version of Konami’s classic TCG, and players can easily earn free cards and packs just by progressing through the game. Master Duel is pretty generous when it comes to rewarding players with free packs and Gems, allowing players to...
Despite sharing the general gacha game premise, the way the two games handle it is different. Both Duel Links and Master Duel give new players enough currency to build a functional deck by getting through the introductory missions, and both will take a little while to save up for a truly c...
Finally, a calculator is always welcome to score your life points, but you can also use a sheet of paper to write them down. Getting to Know the Duel Mat The duel mat is used to organize the cards during a duel, as different types of cards are placed in different zones. Each Duelist...
遊戲王OCG - 官方卡牌資料庫 新大師規則 Master Rule(2020年4月1日改訂版) 亞英玩法介紹 遊戲王公式卡片遊戲是利用你的《卡組》來跟對手進行《決鬥》的卡牌遊戲! 遊戲的目的, 是從《手牌》中《召喚》出各式各樣的怪物, 魔法, 陷阱卡攻擊對手, 當對手的生命點數《LP》變為0時, 便可取得勝利。 卡牌種類...
先確認和以往「Master Rule」不同的地方吧! 額外牌組以反面(裏側)表示的融合・同步・超量怪獸也可特殊召喚至自己的主要怪獸區 融合・同步・超量怪獸的任何一種從額外牌組中特殊召喚的時候,除了額外怪獸區,也新增可以特殊召喚至自己的主要怪獸區。
Master Rule(2020年4月1日改訂版) 與以往不同的地方 規則Q&A 亞英玩法介紹 卡片類型 卡片閱讀方式 決鬥場 初學者 官方說明書 遊戲王OCG - 官方卡牌資料庫遊戲王公式卡片遊戲是利用你的卡組來跟對手進行決鬥的卡牌遊戲! 遊戲的目的, 是從手牌中召喚出各式各樣的怪物, 魔法, 陷阱卡攻擊對手, 當對手的生命點...