How much water does my lawn need during the summer? Warm and cool season grasses like zoysia, St. Augustine, bermuda, centipede grass, bluegrass and fescue need around 1 inch of water weekly, including rain. To measure this, perform a simple irrigation audit by placing various containers, ...
To mow your lawn less during the summer for warm season grasses like St. Augustine, bermuda, zoysia, and centipede, consider these options: Mulch mow weekly to reduce time by 20 percent, mow and bag every other week to save 50 percent but maintain a clean look, or mulch mow every other...
Regardless of what option you go for, you may want to change what type of grass you put on your lawn again. Dan Gill, a horticulturist with theLouisiana State University AgCenter, suggestsinstalling Bermuda or Zoysiaso you can use quinclorac against any invading torpedograss in the future, ne...
In a matter of days, a large infestation of chinch bugs can march through your lawn and leave nothing behind. What’s a homeowner to do? Thankfully, there are ways to prevent and get rid of damaging chinch bugs in your lawn. We have the knowledge you need on what these pests are ...
crabgrass is largely unwanted in lawns by homeowners. Crabgrass has a faint hint of blue to it and is an annual grass that appears in hot summer months. Killing crabgrass in a Bermuda grass lawn is a little tricky, because you don't want to cause any damage to the grass you want to ...
Grass sod provides a quick alternative to seeding a new lawn. Mature grass plants make up sections of sod. This sod includes the surface blades and the root systems, encased in a shallow layer of surrounding soil. Healthy varieties of commercial sod from
Augustine lawns prefer to be mowed at 3 to 4 inches. Zoysia and centipede lawns do best when mowed at 2 to 3 inches, while bermuda lawns prefer a 1.5 to 2 inch height. Instead of bagging grass clippings, leave them on the lawn to help recycle nutrients back into the soil. Water ...
How to Kill Sand Spurs Does 2,4-D Kill Crabgrass? This annoying and sometimes painful weed is more likely to show up if your lawn isn't healthy and strong. Once you have a grass burr problem, it can be difficult to get rid of it. In warm climates, the weeds can overwinter and gro...
The Great Lawn Debate There is no substitute for grass as a recreational surface; it’s superior to concrete, and plays a positive environmental role by moderating temperatures and purifying air. That said, there is a “dark side” to lawns, which largely stems from the overuse of synthetic ...