when soil is easiest to work, but digging activity never stops completely. Even in winter, gophers will dig and tunnel in the snow. The entire tunnel/burrow system may be anywhere from 200 to 2,000 square feet large, each burrow 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 inches...
Groundhogs may be cute from afar, but in reality, they can cause a lot of damage to a garden or yard. Their network of tunnels is also problematic, particularly if the tunnels travel beneath concrete slabs and foundations. Getting rid ofgroundhogsis a multitiered process that involves making ...
Resembling pocket gophers, voles are completely gray when they are young but have brownish-black fur with gray undersides as adults. They grow 5 to 7 inches long, according to the PennState Extension. Their stout, round bodies only weigh an ounce or two, and they have short legs, short ...
Using a well constructed trap is the best way to get rid of pocket gophers. Many homeowners make the mistake of using sonic deterrents, poison, smoke, flooding or other methods to control pocket gophers only to find it's a waste of time and money. Do yourself a favor and buy two or...
Moles can be a real pest when it comes to maintaining lawns and gardens. They make underground tunnels to feed on earthworms, grubs and insects, causing unsightly havoc in residential areas. There are many chemicals to try to rid your landscape of moles,
So, you want to know how to get rid of moles and voles? We may not mind a few tunnels, but when it gets to be too many, it can leave an unsightly mess of hills.
The average litter size is three to four young. In late summer and early fall, young gophers disperse from the family unit to establish their own burrows and territories. For small numbers of pocket gophers, control can be accomplished with the use of traps. Several types of gopher traps...
Lawn care problem or project? Get solutions for Gophers-Crabgrass-Weeds-Fertilizer-Irrigation-Planting grass. Use these basics & details for lawn service issues and maintenance.
Step 3:Use Repellents To Deter Re-Entry Castor Oil repellents (Victor Mole & Gopher Repellent) keep a number or burrowing animals from entering cultivated area. NemaSeek Pro Hb Beneficial Nematodes™ $52.00–$325.00 BONIDE® MoleMax® Mole & Vole Repellent - Granules ...
To get rid of those pesky snails and slugs in your garden without the use of chemical treatments, start by removing the pests by hand, searching them out in the evening. Doing that chore daily at first, and then weekly as the population dies down, will r