在巫毒娃娃被埋下的地方生火,然后念诵以下咒语: May the curse that was placed against me be consumed with the flames that burn this doll. May the evil intentions of the one who has cursed be transformed with the energy of the sacred fire into that which is harmless. (译者注,咒语大意:所有对...
How to play (and win)Each round in the game of Uno is all about getting rid of all the cards in your hand. You want to be playing down a card every turn, picking up cards as little as possible, and forcing your opponents to pick up cards so you stay in the lead. Here’s how...
There is much advice on this site about how to stop porn addiction. There is quite a range of suggestions involving physical and mental techniques. One of the top contributing factors to an addiction is an addiction to a certain thought pattern. Meaning you have been thinking a certain way ...
Side note: It’s also my go-to response to get rid of door to door sales folks. Seriously, they don’t have a rebuttal for “lack of interest.”Do You Have Any Pets?Take them to a shelter. Or allow a friend to adopt them under some other pretext. Pets cannot come with you on ...
You might not want to curse the cockroach if you like trees and small critters. Jan Stromme/Getty Images Key Takeaways Cockroaches play vital roles in ecosystems. Their absence could disrupt food chains and nutrient cycling. However, their elimination might also alleviate some sanitation concerns...
I prefer to connect everything back to the main goal of eliminating 51 billion tons a year. Consider the aviation example I mentioned at the start of this chapter, the program that’s getting rid of 17 million tons a year. Divide it by 51 billion and turn it into a percentage. That’...
After a brief interaction with Enki, you’ll find a chest close to the entrance of the chamber. You can open it to receive the Imbued Cursed Citrine, a Cursed Stone you can equip Enki with to change the type of curse he inflicts onto foes....
This new push comes with a new administration, adamant to rid the country of insurgents. In May, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud came into power and weeks later, a 30-hour siege of the Hayat Hotel in Mogadishu ended with the killing of 20 people. In response to the massacre,...
To rid yourself of fleas, you'll probably use a variety of medicated shampoos to kill them and wash them away. To evict a truly stubborn pack of fleas, you could potentially wind up shaving off your hair. Under perfect conditions and with regular meals of blood, Rambo-strength fleas can...
Kill HDMI noise with a $10 Monoprice cable with a ferrite bead The other rule for wires is not looping antenna signal cables (twin-lead), which tends to induce the same noise by making them antennas themselves. Electromagnetic induction; it’s a blessing, it’s ...