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going forward. I’ve also applied your methods to other subjects too such as Science and seen a vast improvement in terms of revision and progress. I cannot thank you enough for sharing your strategy!
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Help students to think of Year 11 as a series of shorter, manageable chunks: get them to do 30 minutes of self-directed study a few times a week, rather than directing them to “revise”, for example. And help them to plan how, when and where they’ll study. ...
However, if you have an even number set, you’ve to add up the two middle numbers and divide by two to get the median. When you have odd number of observations When you have an odd number of observations, the formula for finding the median is simple. It's just the middle value ...
107 Responses to “How To Study Effectively” bharat 17. May, 2011 hello…, im doing icsi course… when i sit to study for exams… nothing is going in my mind .. i am not able to concentrate …. while studying, im getting some other unneccessary thoughts… i have to pass my exams...
Help students to think of Year 11 as a series of shorter, manageable chunks: get them to do 30 minutes of self-directed study a few times a week, rather than directing them to “revise”, for example. And help them to plan how, when and where they’ll study. ...