I almost never print out papers for review; I prefer to work with the electronic version. I always read the paper sequentially, from start to finish, making comments on the PDF as I go along. I look for specific indicators of research quality, asking myself questions such as: Are the ba...
If an individual repeatedly submits bad reviews, it is likely that that person will not be asked to review a manuscript again. Being invited to review a manuscript is an honor, not only because you are being recognized for your eminence in a particular area of research but also because of...
A common mistake is writing an unfocused review that is lost in the details. As a junior researcher, it may feel a little weird or daunting to critique someone's completed work. Just pretend that it's your own research and figure out what experiments you would do and how you would interp...
review processaccounting researchThis paper introduces the review process to new researchers, describes the institutional background for reviews, and provides advice to reviewers. The review process is a critical element of the dissemination of research that ultimately provides credibility to the body of...
reviewnotthrough instructionbutbyactuallydoingit.Formaltraininginmanuscriptanalysis israrely,ifever,provided.Editorsusuallychoosereviewersbecauseof expertiseinagivensubjectareaandavailability.Ifanindividualrepeatedlysubmits badreviews,itislikelythatthatpersonwillnotbeaskedtoreviewamanuscript again.Beinginvitedtoreviewa...
There are many sorts of papers including technical papers, review papers, thought experiments, experiences papers and evaluations. It is important that you understand what sort of paper this claims to be, and that you show that you have reviewed it with that understanding. Note that many review...
how to review a paperDiscussing and refereeing a paper by Manuela La Fauci, Department of Economics, University of Fribourg, manuela.lafauci@unifr.ch Most of you who followed the PhD course on “Scientific Writing and Scholarly Publication” will notice that discussing a paper is exactly the ...
of the review process. We will focus on the peer review of research manuscripts submitted to scientific journals, but many of the elements of peer review can be applied to other areas, such as grants and books. Several questions will be addressed. What constitutes a good review and reviewer?
Proof Reading Service (PRS),How To Reply to Peer Review Comments when Submitting Journal Papers,Proof-Reading-Service.co
I’ve used this approach for the last 15 years to read con- ference proceedings, write reviews, do background research, and to quickly review papers before a discussion. This dis- ciplined approach prevents me from drowning in the details before getting a bird’s-eye-view. It allows me ...