6. Add the following lines to install the color scheme plugin. For example, to install thegruvboxcolor scheme call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged') Plug 'morhetz/gruvbox' call plug#end() colorscheme gruvboxCopy 7. Open Vim and run the following command to install the plugins defined in your...
Nginx, pronounced as Engine-x is an open-source Web server. More than just a Web server, it can operate as a reverse proxy server, mail proxy server, load balancer, lightweight file server and HTTP cache. Nginx has been used in many popular sites like BitBucket, WordPress, Pinterest, Qu...
Copy all lines beginning with foo, and afterwards all lines containing bar to clipboard, chain these commands: qaq (resets the a register storing an empty macro inside it), :g/^foo/y A, :g/bar/y A, :let @+ = @a. Using a capital register name makes the register work in append mo...