We measure export performance as the share of food exports in relation to the total food supply of a country. Using this approach, we reveal how much of the available domestic supply is used for exports. In addition, we proxy food security as the food availability per capita (i.e., food...
Just past this insignia is a doorway that you can use Keira's lamp on to reveal the goings-on of some individuals who have since passed. Explore the area, then head down the stairs and the path will fork in two. Head to the right, away from the wolf insignia on the ground. There ...
The article reports on a survey by the Managing Accounts Payable (MAP) determining the cost savings and the procure-to-pay (P2P) cycle time of corporate purchasing cards (p-cards) in the U.S. Results are noted to indicate the significance of cost savings and the short duration of P2P ...
Even in an early access state,Palworldboasts a massive world map you can explore either solo orwith a group of friends. While there are tons of sights to see and Pals to capture and put to work at your base, a major portion of your time will be spent on gathering crafting materials.U...
conference. I was unable to spend much time with it since the official social hour for the poster session was right at the time of various committee meetings (obviously poor planning on the part of the Program Committee). Judging by the bump in views at my blog some people did find it ...