Never whitewash wood that is in good condition. It will ruin your existing paint job or finish. Look for materials for reuse, such as pallets and boards. They can be used to make simple furniture and then be whitewashed. Find old crates, trunks, tables, dressers and other wooden items....
Recycling unused wood can be a great way to add unique decoration to your home. And the best part is, it won’t cost you a thing. So before you head to the store to buy new decorations, look around your house and see what materials you already have that you can reuse. Here are a...
The reason was that they were all made of cast iron at the time, making them difficult to reuse; unlike the large amount of materials and designs available today. Their functions, however, have not changed: railings provide protection to occupants and can be prominent elements in architecture....
Many hotel companies are changing to card choices made from wood, paper, and bioplastic which are much better for the environment but equally as durable and functional. Hotel Cleaning Products Recognizing the significance of safer products for visitors and workers in addition to the natural surroundin...
On very old furniture, door panels often require special repair techniques. If the panels are held by moldings, remove the moldings very carefully. Try not to bend or damage the nails that hold the moldings; it's best to reuse these nails when you replace the moldings. If the panel is...
Finally, if you’ve checked that your pallets are either non-recyclable and past their recommended service life, you can start to get creative with them to reuse and repurpose them in ways that can benefit your business or improve your home! Below, we explore some of our favorites, but rea...
dustbin. We should alsoplant more trees to make our planet green. What’s more, we mustn’t spiteverywhere. While shopping, we’d better use cloth bags instead of plastic ones.We should remember 3Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and try our best to protect theenvironment to become a ...
Store for later: If you want to reuse the furniture, find a good storage location, such as a storage unit or other off-site location. Read more tips about how to store old furniture below. Dealing with special cases: Woodworm, termites, and bedbugs Encountering wood-boring insects like wo...
Here Are 15 Great Ways to Reuse Them 4. True or false: Chefs like Alton Brown swear by meatballs oven-baked inside cardboard egg cartons. True. Chefs like Alton Brown swear by meatballs oven-baked inside cardboard egg cartons. Learn More: Get Cracking! 10 Ways to Reuse Egg Cartons 5. ...
There are two ways to recycle glass. Some companies collect bottles from their customers and thoroughly wash and disinfect them before reuse. Other glass recyclers sort the glass by color (clear, green and brown glass shouldn't mix because it'll give it a mottled effect). The glass is ...