You need to check if the row was successfully inserted into database before you can return a value .x_sql 複製 -- at the end check if the row is inserted using below statement and then you return the value , if (@@rowcount > 0 ) return @NewId else return null --OR if using OU...
So how to get a return value from the stored procedure using java. Description of the stored procedure is. 0 Suthish Nair 0 30.5k 7.2m Apr 9 2013 6:45 AM CREATE PROC PROC1 @OUTVALUE INT OUTPUT AS SELECT COUNT(1) INTO Table1 END DECLARE @OUTTest int ...
How to retrieve a value from EXEC a statement (EXECUTE (@Query) in a stored Procedure? How to retrieve current step name of currently running job How to retrieve last inserted row/ record from a table in sql server 2008 How to return multiple values from case statement, SQL 2005 How to...
The value returned from the procedure is stored in the variable or property on the left side of the assignment statement.ExampleThe following example calls the Visual Basic Environ to retrieve the value of an operating system environment variable. The first line calls Environ within an expressi...
In the example I’m going to use the following stored procedure: CREATEPROCEDUREdbo.SchoolBudgetForDateRange @StartDate DATETIME, @EndDate DATETIME, @Summoneyoutput AS SETNOCOUNTON; SELECT@Sum=SUM(Department.Budget) FROMDepartment WHEREStartDateBETWEEN@StartDateAND@EndDate ...
We cannot use commit and rollback in the function; we have used this command in a stored procedure. It does not return any value; if we want to end the stored procedure, we use the RETURN keyword without expressions. If we want to return the value from the stored procedure, we need ...
How to assign MySQL stored procedure return auto increment id value as flowfile attribute in Apache Nifi ? Labels: Apache NiFi rangareddyy Explorer Created on07-25-202208:39 PM- edited07-26-202207:31 AM Hi All, In Nifi flow, I have below stored procedure need to call in ...
In this topic you will learn how to execute Oracle stored procedures that return SYS_REFCURSOR as out parameters. With the REF_CURSOR you can return a recordset/cursor from a stored procedure. Suppose, you have two tables named Products and Categories with one-to-many relation. And you have...
Hello, I need to be able to read the code my stored procedure returns.Here is an example of the stored procedure that can return 1, 2, 3, etc depending on...